This Chicken Thigh recipe will make you want another serving!
These chicken thighs are cooked so perfectly in the air fryer that you end up with chicken thighs that are crispy on the outside, and every bite is so juicy, so tasty and so full of delicious mesquite flavoring.
Just marinade the chicken thighs for an hour or more, then leave them to slowly warm to room temperature. Heat up your air fryer, coat the basket with some spray-oil (I used canola) and set your chicken thighs in the basket (without touching). Cook for about 10 – 12 minutes then flip and cook another 10-12 minutes. About 22- 25 minutes should result in your chicken thighs reaching 165 degrees. Let 'em rest for a couple of minutes, then eat up!
I made this at my office and took some photos to document this simple, quick and delicious chicken thighs in the air fryer recipe!

Look how juicy these air fryer chicken thighs turned out!

Chicken Thighs are Fully Cooked at 165 Fahrenheit
Air Fryer Mesquite Chicken Thighs: A Simple Recipe with Few Steps! (So easy and so delicious)
Step 1: Get about 4 chicken thighs (bone in, skin on) that weigh a little over 2 pounds.
Step 2: Remove the excess skin from the chicken thighs.
Step 3: Use Mesquite Marinade Packet and follow the directions to make the marinade. (1/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup water, mixed with the packet.)
Step 4: Place Marinade and Chicken Thighs in a one-gallon ziplock bag. (Be sure to coat all the chicken with the marinade.). Place sealed bag of chicken thighs in the marinade into refrigerator for your desired amount of time. (At least 1 hour, up to 24 hours.)
Step 5: About 1 hour before you're ready to cook, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and place on counter to warm up to room temperature. (It cooks more evenly if the raw chicken isn't cold.)
Step 6: Preheat your Air Fryer.
Step 7: When it's ready to add food, spray the basket with Canola Oil and place your chicken thighs into the basket. (Be sure they don't touch each other or the sides of the basket. Give the airy fryer room to breath!).
Step 8: Cook for about 12 minutes. Flip.
Step 9: Cook the other side for another 10 – 12 minutes.
Step 10: Remove from Air Fryer and test the temperature. It should ready 165 for fully cooked chicken thighs.
Step 11: Cover with foil and let rest for 3 minutes.
Step 12: EAT THEM ALL.
Here are all of these steps in photos!