Cooking Sirloin & Cauliflower from a Sun Basket Meal Kit

We received our shipment from Sun Basket last week, and all the meals were delicious! (Have you seen our Sun Basket Meal Kit Review yet? It's rather comprehensive and should help you decide if Sun Basket is right for you!)

We recorded and documented the cooking of one of the meals and share it with you here and on our youtube.

Sun Basket Review: This was the final product.

We made the sirloin and cauliflower meal with this delicious sauce that came with it.

Sun Basket Meal Kit Review: This is the meal kit we received to cook this meal.
These are the simple instructions to follow to cook this Sun Basket Meal Kit dinner
These sirloins were really nice
Sun Basket Meal Kit Review: All we had to do was sear the steaks and cook for 6 – 8 minutes
These are the remaining ingredients for the meal. (They even pre-cut the veggies!)
Using the same pan as you used for the steaks, cook up the veggies, then heat up the jar of sauce. Plate and enjoy!

This was delicious.

Sun Basket 50% Off
Sun Basket Meal Kits: Delicious Family Meals Made Easy!
$35 $75
50% off is valued at $35 since normal price is $70. Sun Basket offers fresh, organic ingredients to delicious and easy-to-make meals and this introductory offer is a great deal.
Smarter Home Cooking
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